Monday, March 29, 2010

weigh-in #2

We had a great weekend filled with palm fronds, puppies and my little boys. We built a great fort, and enjoyed general mayhem. I'm happy that I'm down 1.8 pounds this week.
Now it is on to Holy Week and colored eggs. Does anyone have suggestions for animal and plastic free colored egg alternatives? I'm stumped.
My goals for this week are to:
Walk at least 2 miles each day
Continue with the Bugg ( I've owned it for 3 months)
Observe Holy Week fasting (no wine, olive oil, fasting before daily services)
Have a joyful Easter (Paschal Feast)


  1. Congratulations on dropping almost two pounds last week. That is wonderful! Great goals, the no vino one is the killer, IMO. ;-)


  2. Yeah, we're in the same boat with looking for egg alternatives. Let me know if you find something!

    Way to go on your loss!

