Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Nepali food is good

Another busy day, but a happy one. I had Nepali food today, which is one of my fave cuisines. It is like Indian, but lighter and more simple. I think they do use ghee, otherwise there are many veggie dishes.

1 cup coffee
Nepali Buffet:
1 cup bean soup
1 cup basmati rice
1/2 cup potato-tomato stew
2 fried onion balls (about 1 inch across each)
3 pieces Nepali " fry-bread" ( 3 inches across each)
1 cup green bean-potato saute
large glass unsweetened ice tea
1 liter water
6 cups oil popped popcorn topped with Smart Balance
1 cup soymilk
45 minute walk outside

I'm so grateful that the Mister is getting good sleep, for my wonderful parents, and for my hilarious kids.

1 comment:

  1. You have actually found a cuisine that I don't have a cookbook for. Darn. Now I have to find one, LOL.

    I hope you have a great day today,
